bundle-config - Set bundler configuration options

       bundle config [name [value]]

       This  command  allows you to interact with Bundler's configuration sys-

       Bundler loads configuration settings in this order:

       1.  Local config (app/.bundle/config)

       2.  Environmental variables (ENV)

       3.  Global config (~/.bundle/config)

       4.  Bundler default config

       Executing bundle config with no parameters will print  a  list  of  all
       bundler configuration for the current bundle, and where that configura-
       tion was set.

       Executing bundle config <name> will print the value of that  configura-
       tion setting, and where it was set.

       Executing  bundle  config <name> <value> will set that configuration to
       the value specified for all bundles executed as the current  user.  The
       configuration  will  be	stored in ~/.bundle/config. If name already is
       set, name will be overridden and user will be warned.

       Executing bundle config --global  <name>  <value>  works  the  same  as

       Executing bundle config --local <name> <value> will set that configura-
       tion to the local application. The  configuration  will	be  stored  in

       Executing  bundle  config --delete <name> will delete the configuration
       in both local and global  sources.  Not	compatible  with  --global  or
       --local flag.

       Executing bundle with the BUNDLE_IGNORE_CONFIG environment variable set
       will cause it to ignore all configuration.

       Executing bundle config disable_multisource true upgrades  the  warning
       about the Gemfile containing multiple primary sources to an error. Exe-
       cuting bundle config --delete disable_multisource downgrades this error
       to a warning.

       Flags  passed  to bundle install or the Bundler runtime, such as --path
       foo or --without production, are not remembered	between  commands.  If
       these  options  must be remembered,they must be set using bundle config
       (e.g., bundle config path foo).

       The options that can be configured are:

       bin    Creates a directory (defaults to ~/bin) and place  any  executa-
	      bles from the gem there. These executables run in Bundler's con-
	      text. If used, you might add this  directory  to	your  environ-
	      ment's  PATH variable. For instance, if the rails gem comes with
	      a rails executable, this flag will create a bin/rails executable
	      that  ensures  that  all	referred dependencies will be resolved
	      using the bundled gems.

	      In deployment mode, Bundler will 'roll-out' the bundle for  pro-
	      duction  use.  Please  check  carefully if you want to have this
	      option enabled in development or test environments.

       path   The location to install the specified gems to. This defaults  to
	      Rubygems'  setting.  Bundler shares this location with Rubygems,
	      gem install ... will have gem installed there,  too.  Therefore,
	      gems  installed  without	a  --path  ... setting will show up by
	      calling gem list. Accordingly, gems installed to other locations
	      will not get listed.

	      A space-separated list of groups referencing gems to skip during

       with   A space-separated list of groups	referencing  gems  to  include
	      during installation.

       You  can use bundle config to give Bundler the flags to pass to the gem
       installer every time bundler tries to install a particular gem.

       A very common example, the mysql gem, requires Snow  Leopard  users  to
       pass  configuration  flags  to gem install to specify where to find the
       mysql_config executable.

	   gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config

       Since the specific location of that executable can change from  machine
       to machine, you can specify these flags on a per-machine basis.

	   bundle config build.mysql --with-mysql-config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config

       After  running  this  command,  every time bundler needs to install the
       mysql gem, it will pass along the flags you specified.

       Configuration keys in bundler have two forms: the  canonical  form  and
       the environment variable form.

       For  instance,  passing	the  --without	flag to bundle install(1) bun-
       dle-install.1.html prevents  Bundler  from  installing  certain	groups
       specified  in  the Gemfile(5). Bundler persists this value in app/.bun-
       dle/config so that calls to Bundler.setup do not try to find gems  from
       the  Gemfile that you didn't install. Additionally, subsequent calls to
       bundle install(1) bundle-install.1.html remember this setting and  skip
       those groups.

       The  canonical  form of this configuration is "without". To convert the
       canonical form to the environment variable  form,  capitalize  it,  and
       prepend	BUNDLE_.  The  environment  variable form of "without" is BUN-

       Any periods in the configuration keys must be replaced with two	under-
       scores when setting it via environment variables. The configuration key
       local.rack becomes the environment variable BUNDLE_LOCAL__RACK.

       The following is a list of all configuration keys  and  their  purpose.
       You  can  learn	more  about  their operation in bundle install(1) bun-

       o   allow_bundler_dependency_conflicts	  (BUNDLE_ALLOW_BUNDLER_DEPEN-
	   DENCY_CONFLICTS):  Allow  resolving	to  specifications  that  have
	   dependencies on bundler that  are  incompatible  with  the  running
	   Bundler version.

       o   allow_deployment_source_credential_changes	 (BUNDLE_ALLOW_DEPLOY-
	   MENT_SOURCE_CREDENTIAL_CHANGES): When  in  deployment  mode,  allow
	   changing    the    credentials    to    a	gem's	 source.   Ex:
	   https://some.host.com/gems/path/	->     https://user_name:pass-

       o   allow_offline_install (BUNDLE_ALLOW_OFFLINE_INSTALL): Allow Bundler
	   to use cached data when installing without network access.

       o   auto_clean_without_path (BUNDLE_AUTO_CLEAN_WITHOUT_PATH): Automati-
	   cally  run  bundle clean after installing when an explicit path has
	   not been set and Bundler is not installing into the system gems.

       o   auto_install  (BUNDLE_AUTO_INSTALL):   Automatically   run	bundle
	   install when gems are missing.

       o   bin	(BUNDLE_BIN):  Install	executables from gems in the bundle to
	   the specified directory. Defaults to false.

       o   cache_all (BUNDLE_CACHE_ALL): Cache all gems,  including  path  and
	   git gems.

       o   cache_all_platforms	(BUNDLE_CACHE_ALL_PLATFORMS):  Cache  gems for
	   all platforms.

       o   cache_path (BUNDLE_CACHE_PATH): The	directory  that  bundler  will
	   place  cached gems in when running bundle package, and that bundler
	   will look in when installing gems. Defaults to vendor/bundle.

       o   clean (BUNDLE_CLEAN): Whether Bundler should run bundle clean auto-
	   matically after bundle install.

       o   console  (BUNDLE_CONSOLE):  The console that bundle console starts.
	   Defaults to irb.

       o   default_install_uses_path	   (BUNDLE_DEFAULT_INSTALL_USES_PATH):
	   Whether  a  bundle  install	without  an  explicit  --path argument
	   defaults to installing gems in .bundle.

       o   deployment (BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT): Disallow changes  to  the  Gemfile.
	   When  the Gemfile is changed and the lockfile has not been updated,
	   running Bundler commands will be blocked.

       o   disable_checksum_validation	 (BUNDLE_DISABLE_CHECKSUM_VALIDATION):
	   Allow  installing  gems even if they do not match the checksum pro-
	   vided by RubyGems.

       o   disable_exec_load  (BUNDLE_DISABLE_EXEC_LOAD):  Stop  Bundler  from
	   using load to launch an executable in-process in bundle exec.

       o   disable_local_branch_check	  (BUNDLE_DISABLE_LOCAL_BRANCH_CHECK):
	   Allow Bundler to use a local git override without a	branch	speci-
	   fied in the Gemfile.

       o   disable_multisource	(BUNDLE_DISABLE_MULTISOURCE):  When  set, Gem-
	   files containing multiple sources will produce  errors  instead  of
	   warnings.  Use bundle config --delete disable_multisource to unset.

       o   disable_platform_warnings (BUNDLE_DISABLE_PLATFORM_WARNINGS):  Dis-
	   able  warnings during bundle install when a dependency is unused on
	   the current platform.

       o   disable_shared_gems (BUNDLE_DISABLE_SHARED_GEMS): Stop Bundler from
	   accessing gems installed to RubyGems' normal location.

       o   disable_version_check  (BUNDLE_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK): Stop Bundler
	   from  checking  if  a  newer  Bundler  version  is	available   on

       o   error_on_stderr  (BUNDLE_ERROR_ON_STDERR):  Print Bundler errors to

       o   force_ruby_platform (BUNDLE_FORCE_RUBY_PLATFORM): Ignore  the  cur-
	   rent  machine's  platform and install only ruby platform gems. As a
	   result, gems with native extensions will be compiled from source.

       o   frozen (BUNDLE_FROZEN): Disallow changes to the Gemfile.  When  the
	   Gemfile  is	changed and the lockfile has not been updated, running
	   Bundler commands will be blocked. Defaults to true  when  --deploy-
	   ment is used.

       o   gem.push_key  (BUNDLE_GEM__PUSH_KEY):  Sets the --key parameter for
	   gem push when using the rake release command with  a  private  gem-
	   stash server.

       o   gemfile  (BUNDLE_GEMFILE): The name of the file that bundler should
	   use as the Gemfile. This location of this file also sets  the  root
	   of the project, which is used to resolve relative paths in the Gem-
	   file, among other things. By default, bundler will search  up  from
	   the current working directory until it finds a Gemfile.

       o   global_gem_cache  (BUNDLE_GLOBAL_GEM_CACHE): Whether Bundler should
	   cache all gems globally, rather than locally to the installing Ruby

       o   global_path_appends_ruby_scope				 (BUN-
	   DLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE): Whether Bundler should	append
	   the	Ruby scope (e.g. engine and ABI version) to a globally-config-
	   ured path.

       o   ignore_messages (BUNDLE_IGNORE_MESSAGES): When set, no post install
	   messages will be printed. To silence a single gem, use dot notation
	   like ignore_messages.httparty true.

       o   init_gems_rb (BUNDLE_INIT_GEMS_RB) Generate a gems.rb instead of  a
	   Gemfile when running bundle init.

       o   jobs  (BUNDLE_JOBS): The number of gems Bundler can install in par-
	   allel. Defaults to 1.

       o   list_command (BUNDLE_LIST_COMMAND) Enable new list command feature

       o   major_deprecations  (BUNDLE_MAJOR_DEPRECATIONS):  Whether   Bundler
	   should print deprecation warnings for behavior that will be changed
	   in the next major version.

       o   no_install (BUNDLE_NO_INSTALL): Whether bundle package should  skip
	   installing gems.

       o   no_prune  (BUNDLE_NO_PRUNE):  Whether Bundler should leave outdated
	   gems unpruned when caching.

       o   only_update_to_newer_versions     (BUNDLE_ONLY_UPDATE_TO_NEWER_VER-
	   SIONS): During bundle update, only resolve to newer versions of the
	   gems in the lockfile.

       o   path (BUNDLE_PATH): The location on disk where  all	gems  in  your
	   bundle will be located regardless of $GEM_HOME or $GEM_PATH values.
	   Bundle gems not found in this location will be installed by	bundle
	   install.  Defaults  to Gem.dir. When --deployment is used, defaults
	   to vendor/bundle.

       o   path.system (BUNDLE_PATH__SYSTEM):  Whether	Bundler  will  install
	   gems into the default system path (Gem.dir).

       o   path_relative_to_cwd  (PATH_RELATIVE_TO_CWD)  Makes --path relative
	   to the CWD instead of the Gemfile.

       o   plugins (BUNDLE_PLUGINS): Enable Bundler's experimental plugin sys-

       o   prefer_gems_rb  (BUNDLE_PREFER_GEMS_RB)  Prefer  gems.rb to Gemfile
	   when Bundler is searching for a Gemfile.

       o   print_only_version_number (BUNDLE_PRINT_ONLY_VERSION_NUMBER)  Print
	   only version number from bundler --version.

       o   redirect  (BUNDLE_REDIRECT):  The  number  of redirects allowed for
	   network requests. Defaults to 5.

       o   retry (BUNDLE_RETRY): The number of times to retry  failed  network
	   requests. Defaults to 3.

       o   setup_makes_kernel_gem_public   (BUNDLE_SETUP_MAKES_KERNEL_GEM_PUB-
	   LIC): Have Bundler.setup make the Kernel#gem  method  public,  even
	   though RubyGems declares it as private.

       o   shebang  (BUNDLE_SHEBANG):  The program name that should be invoked
	   for generated binstubs. Defaults to the ruby install name  used  to
	   generate the binstub.

       o   silence_root_warning   (BUNDLE_SILENCE_ROOT_WARNING):  Silence  the
	   warning Bundler prints when installing gems as root.

       o   skip_default_git_sources (BUNDLE_SKIP_DEFAULT_GIT_SOURCES): Whether
	   Bundler should skip adding default git source shortcuts to the Gem-
	   file DSL.

       o   specific_platform  (BUNDLE_SPECIFIC_PLATFORM):  Allow  bundler   to
	   resolve for the specific running platform and store it in the lock-
	   file, instead of only using a generic platform. A specific platform
	   is  the exact platform triple reported by Gem::Platform.local, such
	   as x86_64-darwin-16	or  universal-java-1.8.  On  the  other  hand,
	   generic  platforms  are those such as ruby, mswin, or java. In this
	   example, x86_64-darwin-16 would map to ruby and  universal-java-1.8
	   to java.

       o   ssl_ca_cert	(BUNDLE_SSL_CA_CERT): Path to a designated CA certifi-
	   cate file or folder containing multiple  certificates  for  trusted
	   CAs in PEM format.

       o   ssl_client_cert (BUNDLE_SSL_CLIENT_CERT): Path to a designated file
	   containing a X.509 client certificate and key in PEM format.

       o   ssl_verify_mode (BUNDLE_SSL_VERIFY_MODE): The SSL verification mode
	   Bundler uses when making HTTPS requests. Defaults to verify peer.

       o   suppress_install_using_messages (BUNDLE_SUPPRESS_INSTALL_USING_MES-
	   SAGES): Avoid printing Using ... messages during installation  when
	   the version of a gem has not changed.

       o   system_bindir  (BUNDLE_SYSTEM_BINDIR):  The location where RubyGems
	   installs binstubs. Defaults to Gem.bindir.

       o   timeout (BUNDLE_TIMEOUT): The seconds allowed before timing out for
	   network requests. Defaults to 10.

       o   unlock_source_unlocks_spec	  (BUNDLE_UNLOCK_SOURCE_UNLOCKS_SPEC):
	   Whether running bundle update --source NAME unlocks a gem with  the
	   given name. Defaults to true.

       o   update_requires_all_flag  (BUNDLE_UPDATE_REQUIRES_ALL_FLAG) Require
	   passing --all to bundle update when everything should  be  updated,
	   and disallow passing no options to bundle update.

       o   user_agent  (BUNDLE_USER_AGENT):  The  custom  user	agent fragment
	   Bundler includes in API requests.

       o   with (BUNDLE_WITH): A :-separated list of groups whose gems bundler
	   should install.

       o   without  (BUNDLE_WITHOUT):  A :-separated list of groups whose gems
	   bundler should not install.

       In general, you should set these settings per-application by using  the
       applicable  flag to the bundle install(1) bundle-install.1.html or bun-
       dle package(1) bundle-package.1.html command.

       You can set them globally either via environment  variables  or	bundle
       config,	whichever is preferable for your setup. If you use both, envi-
       ronment variables will take preference over global settings.

       Bundler also allows you	to  work  against  a  git  repository  locally
       instead of using the remote version. This can be achieved by setting up
       a local override:

	   bundle config local.GEM_NAME /path/to/local/git/repository

       For example, in order to use a local Rack repository, a developer could

	   bundle config local.rack ~/Work/git/rack

       Now  instead of checking out the remote git repository, the local over-
       ride will be used. Similar to a path source, every time the  local  git
       repository  change, changes will be automatically picked up by Bundler.
       This means a commit in the local git repo will update the  revision  in
       the Gemfile.lock to the local git repo revision. This requires the same
       attention as git submodules. Before pushing to the remote, you need  to
       ensure the local override was pushed, otherwise you may point to a com-
       mit that only exists in your local machine. You'll  also  need  to  CGI
       escape your usernames and passwords as well.

       Bundler	does many checks to ensure a developer won't work with invalid
       references. Particularly, we force a developer to specify a  branch  in
       the  Gemfile  in  order to use this feature. If the branch specified in
       the Gemfile and the current branch in the local git repository  do  not
       match,  Bundler	will  abort.  This  ensures that a developer is always
       working against the correct branches, and prevents  accidental  locking
       to a different branch.

       Finally,  Bundler  also	ensures  that the current revision in the Gem-
       file.lock exists in the local git repository. By  doing	this,  Bundler
       forces you to fetch the latest changes in the remotes.

       Bundler	supports  overriding gem sources with mirrors. This allows you
       to configure rubygems.org as the gem source in your Gemfile while still
       using your mirror to fetch gems.

	   bundle config mirror.SOURCE_URL MIRROR_URL

       For  example,  to  use a mirror of rubygems.org hosted at rubygems-mir-

	   bundle config mirror.http://rubygems.org http://rubygems-mirror.org

       Each mirror also provides a fallback timeout  setting.  If  the	mirror
       does  not  respond within the fallback timeout, Bundler will try to use
       the original server instead of the mirror.

	   bundle config mirror.SOURCE_URL.fallback_timeout TIMEOUT

       For example, to fall back to rubygems.org after 3 seconds:

	   bundle config mirror.https://rubygems.org.fallback_timeout 3

       The default fallback timeout is 0.1 seconds, but the setting  can  cur-
       rently only accept whole seconds (for example, 1, 15, or 30).

       Bundler	allows	you to configure credentials for any gem source, which
       allows you to avoid putting secrets into your Gemfile.


       For example, to save the credentials of	user  claudette  for  the  gem
       source at gems.longerous.com, you would run:

	   bundle config gems.longerous.com claudette:s00pers3krit

       Or you can set the credentials as an environment variable like this:

	   export BUNDLE_GEMS__LONGEROUS__COM="claudette:s00pers3krit"

       For gems with a git source with HTTP(S) URL you can specify credentials
       like so:

	   bundle config https://github.com/bundler/bundler.git username:password

       Or you can set the credentials as an environment variable like so:

	   export BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM=username:password

       This is especially useful for private repositories  on  hosts  such  as
       Github, where you can use personal OAuth tokens:

	   export BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM=abcd0123generatedtoken:x-oauth-basic

       Bundler's  home,  config,  cache  and plugin directories are able to be
       configured through environment  variables.  The	default  location  for
       Bundler's  home	directory  is ~/.bundle, which all directories inherit
       from by default. The following outlines the available environment vari-
       ables and their default values

	   BUNDLE_USER_HOME : $HOME/.bundle

				 December 2018		      BUNDLE-CONFIG(1)